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mardi 15 avril 2014

Different ways to workout : Pack of cards

Do you ever get tired of doing the same kind of workout over and over again? Like, you change some things because you don't want to reach a plateau but this just bore you again? Let me give you a new workout idea: The pack of cards. Yes, you read well. I mean, I'm not asking you to do weightlifting with it, but to do something more creative and something that you do the way you want it.

This is really simple : In a pack of cards, there are 4 suits. Each suit represents one type of exercise. And then it's simple, you pick a card upside down from the deck and it tells you what to do and how many times. Example : You pick a heart card, which could mean like, eagle abs, and it's an 8 so you do 8 eagle abs. And you go on for all the pack of cards. It's really fun to do because you can never guess which card is the next so it makes the workout different each time.

If you need ideas of exercises for the 4 suits, I'll give you some :
- Push-ups                                                         - Roll over
- Plank ( in seconds )                                        - Grasshopper
- Sit-ups                                                            - Heel kicks
- Bridges, single-leg bridge ( switching sides )  - Half cobra push-ups

If you feel like a beast on that day, here are some cardio ideas :
- Burpees ( You could even do it with 4 different kind of burpees )
- Mountain Climbers                                            - Butt kicks
- Squat jumps                                                     - Lunge kicks
- High plank jacks                                               - Star jumps

So that's it! I really hope you give it a try! When I do it with standard exercises, I do them with 2 packs of cards, it makes it even funnier because you can have the same card twice! Have fun and tell me if you liked it :) 


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