Here are the main fat localisations in women's bodies
Did you know that the different places where the body stores fat is linked with where the woman comes from. For example, in hot countries, fat is mostly stocked in the butt, the hips ( for Mediterraneans ) and around the navel ( for some Asiatics ). This particular way to store fat is to keep women to be covered with a too hot fat '' jacket ''. While in colder countries, the fat is stored more evenly to ensure a better protection in harsh winters. Doesn't matter the way fat is stored in your body, you have to know that it's there for a reason. It's there to allow survival of the women and her baby in case of possible starvation.
It's really important to know that losing almost all your fat can lead to serious hormonal problems which could lead to amenorrhea ( no more periods ) and so to a brief infertility. This brief infertility exists for a good reason though, it prevents the woman to give birth to a baby that she wouldn't be able to feed with her own reserves and which could be harmful for the baby's life.
I really hope it helps you understand better your body so that you can cherish it even more ! :)
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